Alvaro & Jose's Spanish Engagement Shoot
Supplier Listings
Happy Thoughts
Our Unique Story
The Lowdown
The Proposal
Set up by Carolina, this 'styled' proposal sees lvaro wake up to find a note that leads him to a surprise brunch in the quiet corner of their garden.
There, Josechu had prepared a private picnic and left a note next to lvaro's favourite book, which read: I can't find the words to express how I feel about you, so I've taken the liberty of taking them from one of your favourite books. Inside the book, lvaro found a paragraph highlighted and underlined with Will you marry me?", along with two earrings threaded onto a ribbon, which they exchanged to symobolise their engagement. When lvaro said yes Josechu popped open the champagne to celebrate. We love the the story-telling in this shoot; told, in part, through the eyes of Josechu, makes it all the more personal; the epitome of romance, yet so simply done. It's beautiful.